Faulkner County Judge, Allen Dodson has issued a Burn Ban effective 3/17/25 at 3:30 p.m. – until further notice. Court Order 25-052
Faulkner County Circuit Clerk – Nancy Eastham
Phone: 501-450-4911
FAX: 501-450-4948
Office Hours: 8:00AM – 4:30PM Monday – Friday. Except Holidays
Office Address: Mailing Address:
724 Locust Ave. PO Box 9
Conway, AR 72034 Conway, AR 72033
Our Mission:
To provide the judicial system and the public with efficient, equal, transparent, and accountable services while preserving the integrity of all records filed within the office.
The circuit clerk is the clerk of the circuit court and juvenile court and usually acts as the ex-officio recorder of the county.
The administrative duties of the circuit clerk are to maintain a record of all proceedings of the circuit courts to enter docket number and name of the defendant and to prepare the dockets for these courts (ACA 16-20-102). The circuit clerk prepares summons, warrants, orders, judgements, and injunctions authorized by the circuit court for delivery by county sheriff. The circuit clerk also maintains a file of all cases pending in either court, as well as a record of all past court cases and their disposition (ACA 16-20-303 and 16-20-304). The clerk has 20 days before commencement of each of the dockets in all cases. In addition, the circuit clerk acts as a secretary to the jury commission by keeping a list of all prospective jurors (ACA 16-32-101 et seq.) The circuit clerk is also the ex-officio county recorder; and is responsible for recording deeds, mortgages, liens, and surety bonds, and many other orders and instruments which involve property within the county (ACA 14-15-401 et seq). The circuit clerk maintains a record of many miscellaneous items, and files certain licenses. The circuit clerk also swears in all notaries public and files regulations of state agencies which license trade or professional workers.
CSC eRecording Solutions 866-652-0111 www.erecording.com Email: erecording@cscglobal.com | EPN eRecording Partners Network 888-325-3365 www.goePN.com |
Simplifile 800-460-5657 www.simplifile.com Email: sales@simplifile.com | Indecomm Global Services 732-404-0081 www.indecomm.net |
We have also added a Veteran’s Reward Program where local businesses can offer discounts on services and goods. Businesses can register their discount online and be listed as a contributor. Veteran’s can receive a laminated card at the Circuit Clerk’s office located at 724 Locust Conway, AR 73033. (Free of Charge) This is our way of saying thank you for your service!
Another service we have added is our customer fraud alert. You can register your name and email address online and you will begin to receive email alerts anytime a filed document is indexed with your name as a party.
Faulkner County is now using CourtConnect. CourtConnect is a portal to public case information for courts using the ACS Contexte Case Management System. This portal allows you to find public information on cases if you know the name of a person on the case, or if you know the case id and you can view and print images of documents.
Public Access to CourtConnect (Need assistance with a court matter?) You may obtain forms at www.arlegalservices.org and answers to questions at arfreelegalanswers.org
Jury Information
Faulkner County has available for use by jurors a website where you can complete your questionnaire, contact the Judge, receive messages, and request excuses. The website is: https://myjuryinfo.arcourts.gov.
There are also some guides and a video you can watch that may answer some questions you have about Jury service. In Faulkner County, only the Judge can excuse you from Jury service, most Judges as that you are physically able you attend the orientation and there you will be given an opportunity to talk directly with the Judge.
Don’t Panic, your life will not be put on hold indefinitely during you Jury term. You will be placed in a group and given a calendar that will specify which dates you are supposed to report, it won’t be an everyday occurrence, 95% of the jury trials scheduled will settle before the trial date.
If you have vacations or doctor appointments we will work with you to be sure you can still attend them. You will be paid for your service $15.00/day for orientation and reporting for a trial and $50.00/day if you are selected to serve on a jury. Orientation and jury selection are usually only one to two hours long. Pay for your service is done once a month in the month following your service. If you have any questions that are not answered here or on the website please feel free to contact my office and someone there will do their best to help you.
Arkansas Farmer/Creditor Mediation Program ACA 2-7-303(2) forms available at https://www.aad.arkansas.gov/arkansas-farmercreditor-mediation-program
• For recording Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Mortgages, Release Deeds, Powers of Attorney, Notary Bonds, Foreign Judgments, Materialman’s Liens and other recordable instruments, except as otherwise noted filing fees will be: First Page – $15.00 – each additional page – $5.00
• Plats and Surveys: $15.00
• For recording Mortgage Assignments, Mortgage Releases, and other instruments when multiple instruments are listed in a single document, an additional fee per instrument: $15.00 per instrument listed, (not to exceed $300.00 total)
• For filing a mortgagee’s or trustee’s notice of default and intention to sell: $140.00
• Issuance of writs of garnishments /executions (must be prepared by requesting attorney): $20.00
• Filing fee for Certificate of Assessment or any other instrument not specified in the subsection: $8.00
• If the recorder waives the requirements for documents found in A.C.A. §14-15-402(b)(1) for good cause, the instrument may be recorded for an additional fee of: (Any document larger than 8 ½” x 11” will apply): $25.00
• Filing fee for: Initiating a Cause of Action in Circuit or Domestic Relations Courts: $185.00
• Appeals from District Court to Circuit Court: Civil Cases: $185.00 : Criminal Cases: $170.00
(Please note that the filing fees listed above includes the $20.00 electronic filing system fee that Administrative Order 21 of the Supreme Court of Arkansas implemented.)
• Re-opening a Cause of Action (for modification of final order) or transferring a case from another jurisdiction by court order: $50.00
• Summons: Circuit or Domestic Relations cases: $2.50
• Subpoena: Circuit or Domestic Relations Court: $2.50
• Original filing of Financing Statement (UCC-1) with cost of termination included: $12.00
• Filing of Continuation, Amendment, or Partial Release of Financing Statement: $6.00
• Termination of Financing Statement (If original UCC was filed prior to 1994 and not prepaid): $6.00
• UCC Search (Name only) per name: $6.00
• Copies of documents for UCC Search 1st page: $6.00 Each additional page: $2.00 (to max of $100.00)
• Copies (per page, not certified): $ .50
• Certified or Authenticated Copies: $5.00
• Fax charge: $1.00 plus cost of copies
Faulkner County no longer accepts re-recordings. In the event of a minor error misspelling, or typographical error a scrivener’s affidavit will be acceptable if properly executed. ACA 18-12-108
In the event of a major or material correction effecting how property is titled adding or removing grantee or significant modifications to legal description will require a new corrective document. Please state on new document what error is being corrected.
Staff @ 724 Locust Ave., Conway AR 72034 – 501-450-4911
Bekah Donohue – Chief Deputy Clerks
Diana Varner – Deputy Clerk/Real Estate
Nicole Spiller – Deputy Clerk/Courts
Peyton Dockery – Deputy Clerk/ Child Support
Shawn Mix- Deputy Clerk/ Real Estate
Josephine Slagle – Deputy Clerk
Kira O’Neal – Deputy Clerk
Ginger Berry – Part-time Deputy Clerk/Real Estate
Jennifer Oberkiser – Part-time Deputy Clerk/ Real Estate
Staff @ Justice Building 510 S. German Lane, Conway AR 72034 501-328-5904
Melinda Williams – Deputy/Courts Clerk at Justice Building
Carrel Wade – Deputy Clerk/Courts at Justice Building
Aubrey Arendall – Deputy Clerk /Courts at Justice Building
Margie Teal – Part-time Deputy Clerk at Justice Building
Nicole Aldridge- Part-time Deputy Clerk at Justice Building