Faulkner County Judge, Allen Dodson has issued a Burn Ban effective 3/17/25 at 3:30 p.m. – until further notice. Court Order 25-052

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Lightning Safety & Preparedness


Lightning strikes are a serious hazard, causing 75-100 deaths annually in the U.S. To stay safe, it’s crucial to know how to protect yourself indoors and outdoors during thunderstorms.



🌩 Lightning Safety Indoors

When thunderstorms approach, follow these tips to stay safe indoors:

  • 🚪 Stay away from doors and windows – Lightning can travel through windows and open doors.
  • 🔥 Avoid stoves and sinks – Water and plumbing are good conductors of electricity.
  • 🔌 Disconnect electronics – Unplug appliances like TVs, radios, and computers to protect them from power surges.
  • 📞 Don’t use the telephone – Avoid using a landline phone, as it can conduct electricity from a lightning strike.
  • 🚱 Keep away from metal pipes – Including those in sinks, showers, and bathtubs, which can conduct a lightning strike.



🌧 Lightning Safety Outdoors

If you’re caught outdoors during a thunderstorm, follow these life-saving precautions:

  • 🚗 Seek shelter in an automobile – Your car provides protection from lightning, especially if it has a metal roof and frame.
  • 🏠 Find a safe building – If no car is available, seek shelter in a sturdy building away from windows.
  • Avoid standing under trees – Lightning often strikes tall objects, making trees a dangerous shelter.
  • Minimize your height – If no shelter is available, crouch down low on the balls of your feet with your hands over your ears and head.
  • 🚫 Avoid metal fences – Stay away from fences or other metallic conductors, as they can carry a lightning strike.
  • 🏚 Don’t shelter in small sheds – They offer little protection and are prone to being damaged by lightning



What to Do if Lightning Strikes

  • Stay Inside – Remain indoors until at least 30 minutes after the last thunderclap.
  • Monitor Weather Alerts – Stay tuned to weather radio or local alerts for ongoing storm warnings.



Key Takeaways

  • Inside: Stay away from metal, water, and electronics.
  • Outside: Seek shelter in a car or building, crouch low if no shelter is available, and avoid tall objects like trees.
  • Never lie flat: Keep your body slightly elevated to minimize risk from a lightning strike.


⚠️ Act fast, stay informed, and stay safe when lightning strikes!