Faulkner County Courthouse and offices will be closed Thursday, February 20, 2025 due to inclement weather conditions. 

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911 Addressing



Faulkner County OEM/911 is responsible for assigning 911 addresses in Faulkner County with the exception of the City Limits of Conway.  Click the link above to request a 911 address or you may contact our office.  If you live in the City of Conway, you will need to contact the City Planning Department.  

For an accurate 9-1-1 address to be assigned the property owner will need to provide specific property information such as subdivision, lot and block or tax parcel number. The name of the street and location of the driveway for that structure/mobile home will be needed if there will be more than one structure on that driveway and where the structures will be located.

OEM/911 is responsible for 911 street road signage in the county, with the exception of the city of Conway. These signs are essential in assisting first responders with locating residents in the event of an emergency.  If you notice a sign missing or damaged, please contact our office immediately so we can get it replaced.   (All other signs in the county such as stop signs, etc. are maintained through the Faulkner County Road Department.) 

Faulkner County OEM/911 is responsible for maintaining the Master Street Address Guide. This database is the official record of valid streets, thoroughfares, house numbers and communities within the jurisdiction. It associates the proper Police/Fire/Medical responders to specific addresses and acts as the first point of quality control for 911 database content. It also provides proper routing of 911 calls placed from each address to the appropriate PSAP.

Enhanced 911 is a system used in North America that links emergency callers with the appropriate public resources. 

This system tries to automatically associate a location with the origin of the call. This location may be a physical address or a cellular tower. The caller’s telephone number is used in various ways to derive a location that can be used to dispatch police, fire, emergency medical and other response resources. Automatic location of the emergency makes it quicker to locate the required resources during fires, break-ins, kidnappings, and other events where communicating one’s location is difficult or impossible.

The incoming 9-1-1 call is answered at the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) that has jurisdiction over the caller’s location. When the 9-1-1 call arrives at the appropriate PSAP, it is answered by a specially trained official known as a dispatcher. When the call arrives at the PSAP, special computer software is used to display the location of the caller immediately upon arrival of the call.  At this point, the dispatcher then notifies the proper responding agencies.