Faulkner County Judge, Allen Dodson has issued a Burn Ban effective 3/17/25 at 3:30 p.m. – until further notice. Court Order 25-052

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Equalization Board Meetings

Meetings will be held at the Faulkner County Courthouse 2nd Floor Courtroom A 801 Locust St. unless otherwise specified. 


 Board MembersEmail AddressTerm Limits
1.Appointed by County Judge  
a.Jeff Stephensjeffstephens50@gmail.com2025
2.Selected by School District  
aLuAnn Deereluanndeere@gmail.com2027
3.Selected by Cities and Incorporated Towns  
a.Melinda Reynoldsmelinda.reynolds88@yahoo.com2027
4.Selected by Quorum Court  
a.Gelinda Mudgettmudgettrealtor@gmail.com2025
b.Kent Bakerkbcag@sbcglobal.net2026

Upcoming Meetings:

Meeting Audio Recordings